Teachers’ Metaphoric Perceptions of Covid-19 and School in the Process of Covid-19





Covid-19 perception, Isolation, Metaphor, Pandemic, School perception


The study aims to reveal teachers’ perceptions of “Covid-19” and “School in the Covid-19 Process” through metaphors. The differences between the covid-19 perceptions of those who had Covid-19 disease in the participants’ families and those who did not were examined. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Participants consist of a total of 100 teachers, 80 in Hatay and 20 in Gaziantep. The content analysis method was used. It was seen that teachers had 45 different metaphors in the perception of ‘Covid-19’ and were collected in eight categories. The most produced metaphors’ codes related with covid-19 were “Flu”, “Cancer”, “Illness”, “War”, “Flu-pneumonia”. Categories created according to metaphors were “Similar to other diseases”, “Infectiousness”, “Damaging”, “Fatal”, “Uncertainty”, “Social order”, “Immunity”, “Isolating”. Participants created 56 different metaphors in the perception of “School in the Covid-19 Process,” and these metaphors could be gathered in seven categories. The most produced metaphors were “Dangerous zone”, “Abandoned building”, “Pandemic point / Virus slot”, “House”.


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Author Biographies

Suat Deniz Ulaş

Science of Education, Sakarya University
Email: suatulas@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-4606-028X

Halil İbrahim Kurt

Science of Education, Sakarya University
Email: hibrahim_kurt27@hotmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-2325-8648

Sezgi Bayındır

Science of Education, Sakarya University
Email: sezgi.bayindir@ugurokullari.k12.tr
ORCID: 0000-0001-7626-4545

Özgül Cihan

Science of Education, Sakarya University
Email: cihan.ozgul80@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-3443-1373

Ömer Faruk Vural

Associate Professor
Science of Education, Sakarya University
Email: omervural@sakarya.edu.tr
ORCID: 0000-0002-1520-3762

Mehmet Başaran

Assistant Professor
Science of Education, Gaziantep University
Email: mehmetbasaran@outlook.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-1871-520X


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How to Cite

Ulaş, S. D., Kurt, H. İbrahim, Bayındır, S. ., Cihan, Özgül ., Vural, Ömer F., & Başaran, M. . (2021). Teachers’ Metaphoric Perceptions of Covid-19 and School in the Process of Covid-19. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(3), 393–410. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V10.N3.25

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