Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Perceptions and Metacognitive Skills in Predicting the Measurement and Evaluation Course Achievement




Measurement and evaluation, Self-efficacy, Metacognition, Hierarchical regression model


The purpose of the current study is to determine the relationships between pre-service teachers’ measurement and evaluation course achievement, grade point average, gender, general self-efficacy perception of measurement and evaluation and metacognitive skills. The study group is comprised of 180 students having taken the measurement and evaluation course in the 2019-2020 academic year. As the data collection tool, the “Measurement and Evaluation Self-Efficacy Perception Scale for Pre-service Teachers” developed by Nartgün (2008) and the “Metacognitive Skills Scale” developed by Altındağ and Senemoğlu (2013) were used.  The measurement and evaluation course achievement were calculated by taking 40% of the midterm and 60% of the final scores of students. While students were asked to create an original story by using the 24 basic concepts for the midterm exam, 6 open-ended items were given as homework for the final exam. The collected data were analyzed by using the hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The measurement and evaluation course achievement were taken as dependent variable; grade point average, gender, measurement and evaluation self-efficacy perception and the metacognitive skill scores were taken as independent variables. As a result, it was seen that grade point average in the first stage and the general self-efficacy perception in the second stage significantly predicted the measurement and evaluation course achievement.


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How to Cite

Uyar, Şeyma, & Öztürk Gübeş, N. . (2022). Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Perceptions and Metacognitive Skills in Predicting the Measurement and Evaluation Course Achievement . Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(3), 692–705.