The Relationships between Teacher and Student Qualities in TIMSS 2019: A Path Analysis Model




TIMSS 2019, Teacher Qualities, Student Qualities, Mathematics Achievement, Sense of School Belonging


In this study, the model that examined the relationship between teacher and student qualities was tested based on the teacher and student questionnaire in the TIMSS 2019 Turkey sample.  The variables of experience, participation in professional development, professional development needs, school academic emphasis, instructional quality in the teacher questionnaire, as well as the instructional clarity, instructional climate, sense of school belonging and mathematics achievement variables in the student questionnaire were investigated. Data of 171 teachers and 3841 students were used. In the study, the path coefficients of the relations between the variables and the goodness of fit values for the model created were interpreted. All of the path coefficients between the variables had a significant and moderate effect. When the standardized path coefficients in the model were examined, the highest value (β = 0.48) was obtained on the way that instructional clarity predicted sense of school belonging and the lowest value (β = 0.14) was obtained on the way that the participation in professional development predicted the instructional climate. When the fit indices were examined, it was concluded that the model-data fit of the established model was perfect. In addition, it was determined that 33% of the variance in the mathematics achievement and 27% of the variance in the sense of school belonging were explained by direct effects in the model.


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How to Cite

Şahin, M. G., Çelik, Özge C., & Yıldırım, Y. (2022). The Relationships between Teacher and Student Qualities in TIMSS 2019: A Path Analysis Model. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(3), 443–461.