An Adaptation Study of the Components of Emotion Understanding Test-24 (CEUT-24) to Turkish Context: An Investigation of the Internal Structure of the CEUT-24 at Item Level




emotional intelligence, emotional understanding, acquiescent responding, scenario specificity


The generalizability across cultural groups of the construct of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its assessments has received scant attention. Most research on ability EI is done within a Western context. This study investigates whether the same internal structure of The Components of Emotion Understanding Test short 24 item version (CEUT-24) emerges also in non-Western, Turkish context with a bipolar Emotional Understanding (EU) ability factor, a unipolar (dis)acquiescent responding factor, and scenario-specific error covariances. The sample consisted of 680 (15-32 years old) participants. Three nested models (model A with only the EU factor, model B with the acquiescence factor added to model A, and model C with the scenario-specific error covariances added to model B) have tested with Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results showed that only model C had an acceptable to good fit. An EU ability factor, an acquiescent responding factor, and scenario-specific error covariance factor accounted for the raw item responses of CEUT-24 in Turkey in the same way as in Western contexts. The current study contributes to generalizability of the CEUT-24 beyond typical western contexts.


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How to Cite

Sezgin, M., & Fontaine , J. . (2023). An Adaptation Study of the Components of Emotion Understanding Test-24 (CEUT-24) to Turkish Context: An Investigation of the Internal Structure of the CEUT-24 at Item Level. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(1), 105–117.

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