The Use of The History of Mathematics in Teaching-Learning Process: The Perspectives of Faculty Members and Teachers




Foreign language, speaking anxiety, sethe history of mathematics, mathematicians, mathematics teachers


The aim of this study was to investigate the faculty members’ and the middle school mathematics teachers’ perspectives regarding the use of the history of mathematics in the learning-teaching process of mathematics. As a phenomenological study, the qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews from 27 middle school mathematics teachers and seven faculty members and then, subjected to the content analysis. The findings revealed that both teachers and faculty members believed that using the history of mathematics is a worthwhile effort, with the potential to not only provide meaningful learning opportunities for students but also enrich teachers’ professional development. However, it was also found that lack of historical perspective in the curriculum, teachers’ inadequate knowledge, time constraint, no room for the history of mathematics in the textbooks and exams, overloaded curriculum and students’ inadequate desire to learn were some of the reasons for rarely-use of the history of mathematics. Based on the overall findings of the study, it is concluded that teacher education (both pre-service and inservice), the structure of mathematics curriculum, teachers’ and students’ characteristics were the most important dynamics to integrate the history of mathematics into teaching effectively.


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Author Biographies

Şeyda Gençkaya

Mathematics Teacher
Şehit Meriç Alemdar Middle School Turkey
ORCID: 0000-0003-4970-8336

Gülçin Tan-Şişman

Assist. Prof. Dr.
Department of Educational Sciences
Hacettepe University
ORCID: 0000-0002-3806-6086


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How to Cite

Gençkaya, Şeyda, & Tan-Şişman, G. (2021). The Use of The History of Mathematics in Teaching-Learning Process: The Perspectives of Faculty Members and Teachers. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(2), 241–257.

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