Discussing of the Implementation Process for Writing to Learn Activities





Writing to learn activities, The implementation process , Document review


The study aims to discuss of the implementation process for writing to learn activities. The document review method has been used in the research containing qualitative data. Data were obtained from scientific articles, books, and presentations containing information about the general characteristics of process-oriented writing and writing to learn and analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. As a result of the reviews synthesised the findings, guidelines, and applications of the studies based on researchers' observations, experiences, intuitions, and inferences and presented them under five different headings. In this context, the implementation process of writing to learn has been discussed in five stages: preparation, exploration, application, evaluation, and sharing. In line with the stated results, it can be suggested that researchers who will use the WTL method in the future should make applications by considering the relevant steps. Thus, the direct or indirect effects of writing for learning activities on students can be increased.


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How to Cite

İspir, B., & Yıldız, A. (2023). Discussing of the Implementation Process for Writing to Learn Activities. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(3), 626–635. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V12.N3.08

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