The Effect of STEM-Based Activity Designed for Gifted Students on Students' Scientific Creativity and Cognitive Achievement




STEM-Based Activity, Scientific Creativity, Cognitive Achievement, Gifted Students


This research aimed to determine the effect of STEM-based activity designed for gifted students on students' scientific creativity and cognitive achievement. Depending on this purpose a simple experimental method, which is one of the quantitative research approaches, was preferred. While the "Scientific Creativity Scale" was used to determine the effect of STEM-based activity designed for gifted students on students’ scientific creativity, the "Academic Achievement Test" developed in the field of preferred subject matter was used as part of the research to determine the effect on cognitive achievement. SPSS 25.0 package program was used to analyze quantitative data collected in the form of pre-testing and post-testing. When evaluating the effect of STEM-based activity for gifted students on scientific creativity; the post-test scores obtained by the research group from the scientific creativity scale differed significantly from the pre-test scores. It has been concluded that the nature of STEM-based activity and the steps involved in the engineering design process have an impact on the relevant skill in making a meaningful difference in scientific creativity. When the effect of STEM-based activity developed for gifted students on cognitive achievement is evaluated; it was concluded that the post-test scores obtained from the cognitive achievement test of the research group differed significantly from the pre-test scores. In making a meaningful difference in cognitive achievement, STEM-based activity directs the student to research and question and provides meaningful-lasting learning.


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How to Cite

Ayvacı, H. Şevki, & Bebek, G. (2023). The Effect of STEM-Based Activity Designed for Gifted Students on Students’ Scientific Creativity and Cognitive Achievement. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(2), 422–441.

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