The Educational Role of Sport Practiced by People with Disabilities


  • Jakub Niedbalski University of Lodz


Sport, disability, socialization, education


The purpose of the conducted research was to analyze the processual dimension of transformations of a disabled person's life which take place under the influence of experiences related to practicing sport. In the article I try to prove the similarity of the sport structure with the educational system structure, where apart from strictly educational functions, there are also socialization processes taking place, diverse in terms of measures and results. The basis for the realization of the purpose mentioned above was the personal experiences of the researched individuals. Hence, the research exploits qualitative data, collected during participant observations and in-depth free interviews conducted among the disabled practicing sports. Analysis and interpretation of the research material was performed in accordance with grounded theory methodology. The article has been prepared as a consequence of research carried out between 2013 and 2016 among the society of the disabled who practice professional sports. The studies refer to the characteristics of the sports career path of people with disabilities which, regarding its specificity, has strong roots in institutionalized practices related to inclusion, continuation and maintaining the main action, i.e. practicing sport.


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How to Cite

Niedbalski, J. (2016). The Educational Role of Sport Practiced by People with Disabilities. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 5(2), 101–110. Retrieved from

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