Teacher as Giver and Receiver of Support in Difficult Situations at Polish Schools in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship


  • Maria Kocór University of Rzeszów


school, student, teacher, difficult situations, support, authority


Teacher and school have to assist students in development and provide support and help, when they can't manage, teach them to solve problems and deal with difficult situations. However the students must want the assistance and trust the teacher, count on him when their strength fails. This help cannot be one-sided, since partnership is said to be. School as an institution from the assumption helps students, but as a human system should be mutually supported. So to what extent is the teacher a giver and receiver of support in difficult situations? Empirical research conducted amongst several hundreds of students and teachers in polish schools in the area of Subcarpathia proves that these two subjects rely little on each other and have limited trust! Conclusions of the research lead to seeking answer to the fundamental and downright question: how to (re)build student's trust in teacher and his educational authority (influence), which is indeed based on trust? Therefore a need of thorough research appears, in order to seek vision of the school, student and teacher, who will be accompanied by trust, engagement and responsibility.


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How to Cite

Kocór, M. (2016). Teacher as Giver and Receiver of Support in Difficult Situations at Polish Schools in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 5(3), 60–68. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/295

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