A Scale Assessing Social Academic Participation in Class for University Students


  • Javier Sánchez-Rosas National University of Cordoba
  • Alicia Verónica Molinari National University of Cordoba
  • Paula Belén Takaya National University of Cordoba
  • Nazareno Cruz Domínguez-Romero National University of Cordoba


academic social participation, academic social self-efficacy, assessment


An instrumental study was carried out, with the purpose of developing a scale for assessing academic social participation (ASP) in class in university students, and testing its psychometric properties. Students from two national universities answered the ASP scale’s items online, along with a scale assessing academic social self-efficacy. Exploratory factorial analysis was applied, obtaining a three dimensional scale (including academic help seeking - AHS-, work with peers -WP-, and autonomous contribution -AC-). All three dimensions were different but significantly correlated (p < .01; r ranging from .14 to .41), which allows to admit academic social participation as a unified construct. Internal consistency values for all three scales (AHS α = .83; WP α = .81; AC α = .91) and the complete scale (ASP α = .88) indicate a good reliability. Correlations between sub scales and academic social self-efficacy partially support construct validity. Further studies are recommended to provide additional support on this psychometric property. Also, more specific analyses are suggested to elucidate the studied behaviors' natures.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Rosas, J. ., Molinari, A. V. ., Takaya, P. B. ., & Domínguez-Romero, N. C. (2017). A Scale Assessing Social Academic Participation in Class for University Students. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 6(1), 36–50. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/284

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