Developing A Thinking Culture in the Classroom: A Participatory Action Research




culture of thinking, teaching thinking skills, participatory action research, primary education


In this study, cooperating with the classroom teacher, the researcher aimed to improve the thinking skills of students through teaching activities prepared based on the dimensions of thinking cultures. The research is designed using the qualitative paradigm in the participatory action research model. A total of six cycles were carried out during the thirty-three-week application process in line with the ‘cultures of thinking dimensions’ along the research process. The implementation process focusing on the cooperation of the teacher and researcher as a weekly cycle in the form of problem detection, literature review and seminar, preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action plan. The action research reveals that developing a culture of thinking increases the diversity and frequency of utilization of the thinking skills by students. The results indicate, that although practices related to the culture of thinking approach contribute to the development of students’ thinking skills, this development is slow and the teacher’s motivation in this regard is an important variable.


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Author Biographies

Sibel Güzel Yüce

Asstistant Professor                                 
Department of Educational Sciences 
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
ORCID: 0000-0002-9816-1624

Ahmet Doğanay

Full Professor
Department of Educational Sciences 
Çukurova University
ORCID: 0000-0002-8482-225X


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How to Cite

Güzel Yüce, S. ., & Doğanay, A. . (2021). Developing A Thinking Culture in the Classroom: A Participatory Action Research. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(3), 153–172.

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