Psycho-Educational Effect of Motivational Interviewing on School Burnout




Motivational interviewing , School burnout, Undesirable behaviours , Psycho-education program, Interventions at schools


School burnout is an important problem which should be understood in terms of the consequences it causes in the school environment. During school burnout cases, undesirable behaviors may be exhibited. For this reason, it is very important to understand school burnout to recognize and to intervene before causing negative results. The aim of this study is to reduce students' school burnout using the motivational interviewing approach. In this study, a psycho-education program which based on the basic principles of motivational interviewing was developed and applied to middle school 6th and 7th grade students. This study is an experimental study with pretest posttest follow-up test. According to the results of the post-test conducted after psycho-education applications, it was seen that this program decreased significantly students’ school burnout levels. In the follow-up test conducted later, it was observed that the decrease in the levels of school burnout showed stability. Based on these results, it can be said that motivational interviewing based psycho-education al interventions will be beneficial for students experiencing school burnout.


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How to Cite

Hastunç, Y., & Tanhan, F. (2023). Psycho-Educational Effect of Motivational Interviewing on School Burnout. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(1), 237–248.

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