Emotional Intelligence: Its Role in Managing Stress and Anxiety in Elementary School Teachers at Workplace


  • Fadlon Saad Al Demerdash Jezan University


Emotional Intelligence, stress, anxiety, elementary school teachers


The study seeks to explain the role that emotional intelligence plays in managing stress and anxiety in elementary school teachers at their workplace .100 elementary school teachers from Saidy Salim Sector, Kafr EL Sheikh Governorate, Egypt were taken for the study. Emotional Intelligence Scale, Stress Inventory and General Anxiety test were used for the measurement of all the variables. Descriptive statistics, Correlation and Regression analysis were used for data Analysis. Results indicate that there was a significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and the variables of Stress and Anxiety. Stress management component and anxiety component; emerge as statistically significant with respect to the relationship with Emotional Intelligence.


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How to Cite

Al Demerdash, F. S. (2012). Emotional Intelligence: Its Role in Managing Stress and Anxiety in Elementary School Teachers at Workplace. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 1(1), 22–31. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/396

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