Leadership Elasticity Enhancing Style-Flex for Leadership Equilibrium
Leadership Elasticity, Leadership readiness, leadership behavioural pattern, relations and Task-oriented behaviour, eadership appropriateness, leadership flexibility, leadership style-flex, leadership style-fix, Leadership style-drift, leadership multi-style flexAbstract
Leadership elasticity enhances leadership style flexibility and mobility to enable educational leaders to maintain appropriate leadership equilibrium. The essential of leadership elasticity contributes towards organizational effectiveness by followership’s maintenance through appropriate expansion and contraction of relations and task behavioural orientation simultaneously, arrive at optimally balanced leadership equilibrium. This study aimed to explain leadership elasticity in achieving leadership equilibrium through relations and task behaviour orientating style-flex by assimilating the followership variables of task, timing, people, and trust. The study suggest both relations and task behavioural orientation is essential for a leader to bring about organizational effectiveness and social harmony. Moreover, Leadership elasticity expanding toward relations-oriented enabled less elasticity, while, expansion toward task-oriented behaviour enabled high elasticity. Leadership contextual intelligence and contextual experiences are both essential in identifying the variations in the contextual settings. This enables appropriate leadership approach of style-flex through the leadership behavioural orientations towards timing, trusting, tasking and people. The variations in the degree of elasticity can cause disturbances by frequent behavioural changes in an attempt to fit in the situation. This multi attempt behavioural changes can be the major cause of style-drift.Downloads
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