The Use of Addition/Subtraction Operation: Problem Equation Relationship Sample


  • Mustafa Albayrak Ataturk University
  • Ercan Özdemir Rize University


Addition/subtraction operations, lateral operations, linear operations, verbal problem solving


This research was conducted to determine which method of operation is more commonly preferred (linear / lateral) in the process of students’ learning addition and subtraction operation skills. A sample was created from the primary education 2nd grade students at various levels of success at mathematics lessons. The students’ skills at performing these operations were examined using a success test consisting of 20 questions, along with semi-structured interviews with fifteen students. Results of this research show that students use the linear method for performing addition/subtraction operations. Their answers to the questions in the interview indicate that they prefer the lateral method when solving semi-abstract problems and those associated with the numerical axis. Students vacillate in determining the priority of each operation when solving the problem


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How to Cite

Albayrak, M. ., & Özdemir, E. . (2013). The Use of Addition/Subtraction Operation: Problem Equation Relationship Sample. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 2(1), 23–33. Retrieved from

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