Social Problem Solving as a Key Component of Bullying Prevention Programs


  • James Geckler Penn State University
  • JoLynn V. Carney Penn State University
  • Richard J. Hazler Penn State University


Social problem solving, bullying, prevention programs


Various prevention programs have been developed by countries around the world to reduce bullying and other forms of youth peer abuse. Social problem solving is inherently a part of any bullying prevention curriculum regardless of cultural differences, but rarely is given the recognition and attention it deserves. Scholarly evidence is provided to demonstrate the critical importance of social problem solving as an essential aspect for success of bullying prevention programs. How social problem solving can influence bullies, targets, and bystanders along with suggestions for future research are provided.


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How to Cite

Geckler, J., Carney, J. V., & Hazler, R. J. (2016). Social Problem Solving as a Key Component of Bullying Prevention Programs. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 5(3), 12–23. Retrieved from

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