Do Personality Traits Influence Nomophobia? An Investigation of the Big Five Personality Traits and Nomophobia Levels in University Students




Smartphone, Big five personality traits, University students, Smartphone addiction, Nomophobia


This study examines the relationship between nomophobia and the Big Five personality traits: extraversion, openness, neuroticism, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Accordingly, the non-experimental correlational methodology was used in this study. In this context, 484 university students were reached using the convenience sampling method. The Nomophobia Scale and the Big Five Inventory were used as data collection instruments. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine whether university students' Big Five personality traits predict their level of nomophobia and subfactors of nomophobia. The results showed that the students were moderately nomophobic. In addition, there was a significant predictive positive correlation between extraversion, openness, neuroticism and nomophobia. According to the results, nomophobia, the fear of losing connectedness, and the fear of being unable to communicate are more common in those with neuroticism. Individuals with high levels of openness and neuroticism are more likely to be afraid of giving up convenience. In addition, more open individuals are more likely to be afraid about not being able to access information. On the other hand, no correlation was found between agreeableness and conscientiousness characteristics and nomophobia. Finally, some recommendations for researchers and practitioners are suggested.


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How to Cite

Turan, Z., & Yılmaz, R. M. . (2024). Do Personality Traits Influence Nomophobia? An Investigation of the Big Five Personality Traits and Nomophobia Levels in University Students. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 13(1), 46–59.

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