A Meta-Analysis of the Correlation Between Posttraumatic Growth and Social Support in Türkiye Sample





Posttraumatic growth , Social support , Meta-analysis


There are inconsistent findings in studies examining the relationship between posttraumatic growth and social support. This meta-analysis aims to evaluate the relationship between posttraumatic growth and social support. For this purpose, a systematic search was conducted in four databases including the Web of Science (WoS), TR Index, ULAKBIM, and National Thesis Center. Studies with correlational findings on the relationship between posttraumatic growth and social support were included in the study. A total of 45 studies with a total sample size of 7704 people were included in the meta-analysis. According to the random effects model, the effect size of 45 studies was r = .37. According to the meta-analysis findings, a moderate positive relationship was found between posttraumatic growth and social support. Research findings showed that individuals with high levels of posttraumatic growth also had high levels of social support. Considering the results of this meta-analysis, attention should be paid to social support in terms of protective mental health in mental health studies.


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How to Cite

Yazıcı Kabadayı, S. (2023). A Meta-Analysis of the Correlation Between Posttraumatic Growth and Social Support in Türkiye Sample. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(3), 636–654. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V12.N3.09

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