Effectiveness of Augmented Reality-Based Applications on Liquid Measurement Theme in Mathematics Course: An Experimental Study





Augmented reality, Experimental design, Math achievement, Math anxiety


This research examines augmented reality-based applications prepared for primary school third grade students concerning academic achievement and anxiety in a mathematics course. A quasi-experimental design, one of the experimental research designs, with a pretest-posttest control group was preferred in this study. The research group of the research consisted of 26 students attending grade 3 in a school in Siirt during the 2020-2021 academic year. Participants were determined as two different groups, 13 of which were experimental and 13 of which were control groups. In the research, AR-based applications were designed for various gains aimed at the "Liquid measurement" theme in the mathematics course, and these applications were presented to the students through the tablet. These applications were conducted during five weeks, including pre and post-test.  Research data were collected through data sets obtained from achievement test and anxiety scale that were carried out before and after the application. Findings of the research indicate that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. It was found that augmented reality-based applications increased the academic achievement of the experimental group students and reduced their anxiety levels concerning the mathematics lesson.


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How to Cite

Türkan, A., & Çetin, H. . (2022). Effectiveness of Augmented Reality-Based Applications on Liquid Measurement Theme in Mathematics Course: An Experimental Study. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(2), 372–392. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V11.N2.23

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