The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study




Critical thinking skills, Critical thinking dispositions, Academic achievement, Meta-analysis, Correlation


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between critical thinking and academic achievement via meta-analysis. The studies obtained after literature review were reviewed by two researchers according to inclusion criteria and meta-analysis was carried out with 67 data from 47 individual studies. The mean effect size was 0.428 under random effects model. This value indicated that there was a medium relationship between critical thinking and academic achievement. While this effect size did not differ according to sub-groups of critical thinking type, school level, and publication type, it differed according to sub-groups of region, discipline, and outcome type. In the sub-group of region, Asia-Pacific had the greatest mean effect size. In the sub-group of discipline, foreign language had the greatest mean effect size. Besides, the mean effect size of Tests/Exams was greater than GPA.


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Author Biography

Ali Orhan, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University


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How to Cite

Orhan, A. . (2022). The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(1), 283–299.

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