Examining the Relationships between the Problematic Internet Consumption and Internet Engagement Profiles of Young Adults
Problematic internet use, Internet engagement profile, Known-groups validity, Scale development, Young adultsAbstract
Today, individuals frequently spend time on the internet for different purposes. However, differences in internet usage purposes also create differences between the internet engagement profile. It is known that some user profiles are exposed to possible negative outcomes of the internet. The aim of this research is to develop useful scales that can be used to determine individuals' problematic internet consumption and internet engagement profiles. The research group consists of 889 university students which participated in the research as volunteers from 54 different universities. EFA and CFA outputs were evaluated to examine the validity of the problematic internet consumption (PIC) and internet engagement profile (IEP) scales developed within the scope of the research. According to the percentage of variance accounted, the factors of the PIC are Dysfunctionality in Daily Life (23%), Loss of Control (18%), and Fear of Missing Out (10%), respectively. According to the percentage of variance accounted, the factors of the IEP are Passive Consumer (16%), Information Seeker (13%), Social User (12%), and Content Creator (11%), respectively. As a result of the study, it was determined that PIC score of individuals who were able to endure the lack of access to the internet for a shorter time were significantly higher. Besides, individuals who spend more time on the internet every day have significantly higher PIC score. The results obtained from the research were discussed within the scope of the literature and various suggestions were made.
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